President's Message

President's Message
18 December 2024
It has been a while since my last update. I want you to know that our board members have made great strides in promoting and building our great association and making it stronger for you, our members.
Since our last update ASA board members and volunteers attended and participated in several sniper related events and continue to support the sniper community. One of these events was the Maj Land Sniper Cup (MLSC), 18-20 Oct 24. This year’s MLSC included our annual Gathering of Snipers, the Sniper Symposium, Marine / Army Grudge match, Liberty Bell Shoot and Match Madness events. Several Army and Marine active snipers participated in the MLSC and the Marine / Army Grudge match. This year the Army group won the Service Grudge match trophy with two of the four Army teams achieving the top two Grudge Match team scores. Congratulations to the Army teams! Want to provide a special thanks to Art Prieto (ASA Board Member) for conducting the Liberty Bell shoot; several shooters were able to “ring the bell” at 1776 meters! A big thanks to Chris Rance (Sec. ASA) for his work coordinating and briefing at the Sniper Symposioum. Thanks also goes out to our other participating board members (Jim Harris, Larry Davis, John Myer) and my wife Andrea for their work with merchandizing, networking and set-up/tear down. Also, many thanks to Sam Graham and Gary Conner (Black Bear Shooting Facility) for hosting us and these events.
ASA is also excited to announce the 2025 International Sniper Competition at Ft. Moore, GA. 4-10 April 2025. Current schedule is:
April 4th is opening ceremonies and an ASA hosted dinner for all competitors and cadre. Opening ceremony is open to the public. The remainder is not.
- 0830-1400 – registration
- 1500-1700 – team photos
- 1700-1800 – opening ceremony
- 1800-UTC ASA Dinner
April 5th is zero day and pre competition briefings.
April 6th – knowledge exchange (evening)
April 7th – 9th are competitive events.
April 10th – 0900: Military Awards Ceremony
Sponsor Activities
April 8th – 1800: Vendor reception; Chattabrewchee Brewhouse, Columbus, GA
April 9th – Vendor Exposition – Day 1 – 0800 – 1700
Event will start with briefing by PEO Soldier on the Soldier Enhancement Program and how to conduct business with the Army outside of the normal “opportunity to bid process”. Program will provide points of contact and information on the submission process.
April 10th – Vendor Exposition – Day 2 – 0800 – 1500
All competitors will attend following the morning military awards ceremony
April 10th – ASA Banquet and Awards Ceremony, Columbus Iron Works and Trade Center – 1800 – 2200
I am also proud to announce the 2025 SFC Earl S. Ellis Memorial Scholarship applications are available at: https://armysniperassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/2025-ASA-Scholarship-Notification.pdf . The application process for this year’s scholarship program begins December 16, 2024. To qualify, submitted applications require a postmark or e-mail receipt date no later than February 15, 2025. Awardees are announced via e-mail March 1, 2025. A scholarship awards ceremony is conducted in conjunction with the International Sniper Competition awards banquet at Columbus, GA. 10 April 2025, all scholarship awardees are encouraged to attend. Good luck to all who apply.
The Sniper Memorial Monument received its semi-annual cleaning and protection this month. It has weathered many years but, is now professionally maintained. It looks better than it has in years. If you are in the Ft. Moore area, drop by and take a look at it and remember those snipers who gave all.
In closing, I want to thank you, the ASA members and the association’s board and volunteers for all the time, effort and contributions dedicated to promoting and making ASA the great association it is.
Thank You for Your Support,
Ron Kuykendall
President, Army Sniper Association